From Sparkbox to Formidable
Several months ago, I handed in my computer and wrapped up my employment at Sparkbox.
I’ve wanted to blog about the change—to share some experiences I had and things I learned along the way. But the words just didn’t seem to want to come.
The truth is, on the night that I submitted my notice, I laid awake in bed unable to sleep. When I joined Sparkbox 7 years ago, it felt so right… I couldn’t imagine ever leaving. And yet, here I was.
Fortunately, I’ve been sleeping better recently. I’m now 3 months into my new role as a (Frontend) Software Engineer at Formidable and I’m confident that it was the right choice. It feels good!
Change can be intimidating, but it has been necessary for every great opportunity I’ve had. Its always going to be like that.
Want to work with me?
I'm currently looking for my next opportunity. Let's talk!