
These are the principles that help me make decisions.

  1. People are more important than things - I care about people and I invest in good relationships. It’s a small world, so I treat everyone as if I’ll be around them for years to come. Family comes first.
  2. Kaizen - Kaizen is a Japanese word that describes the concept of continual improvement. I seek continual improvement. I am a student of life and I embrace a growth mindset.
  3. Seek out critical moments - Critical moments are when you face your fears and engage with something difficult, uncomfortable, or unfamiliar. I choose to leave my comfort zone, which enriches my life and increases my capacities. I push myself.
  4. Be curious - I want to know how everything works. I follow my curiosity by keeping an open mind and asking lots of questions. I like meeting new people because everyone, regardless of background, has something they can teach me. I’m always reading a good book. Whenever possible, I learn by doing.
  5. Think long-term - Life is a marathon, not a sprint. I’m willing to endure temporary pain for long-term benefit. When making decisions, I ask myself, “Is this an investment?” If the answer is yes, I don’t think twice.
  6. Consume less. Create More - My best days are the ones when I create. It can be designing, writing, coding… anything! Creating things brings me joy and helps me meet interesting people. The world is full of spectators… I don’t need to be one.
  7. Never settle for being mediocre - In doing great work, the little things matter. I seek to go that extra 5% that others are unwilling to go. I practice deliberately. I follow our family motto: “Braun’s Keep Trying”. I know that good is the enemy of great.
  8. Focus - It’s better for me to do one thing well then a dozen things poorly. I think hard about the things I want to focus on and then I commit myself fully. I strive for deep work, and I block out distractions in order to achieve it. My attention is precious.
  9. Live with integrity - Character matters. I do what’s right, even if it’s unpopular and even if nobody sees it. I am honest and transparent. I earn trust by following through with my commitments. Success without integrity is failure.
  10. Serve others - I believe that service is the rent we pay for living in this world of ours. I design my life such that it’s filled with opportunities to serve. I go to the funeral. I help someone move. I give back, and I feel happy when others succeed.